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What is own cloud?


What is own cloud?

"ownCloud" is an open-source, self-hosted file sync and sharing platform that allows individuals and organizations to store, sync, and share files, documents, photos, and other data securely. It is similar in functionality to popular cloud storage services like Dropbox, Google Drive, or Microsoft OneDrive but provides users with the ability to host and manage their own cloud storage infrastructure on their servers or a cloud provider of their choice.

Key features and components of ownCloud include:

File Storage and Sync: Users can upload files and folders to their ownCloud server and access them from various devices, including computers, smartphones, and tablets. ownCloud ensures files are synchronized across all connected devices.

File Sharing: Users can share files and folders with others, both within and outside their organization, by generating shareable links with various permissions (e.g., read-only or read-write access).

Collaboration: ownCloud includes collaborative features, such as document editing and real-time collaboration on files, similar to Google Docs or Office 365.

Data Security: Security is a primary focus of ownCloud. It supports encryption of data both in transit and at rest, ensuring that files are protected from unauthorized access.

Access Control: Administrators can define user roles and access controls, specifying who can access certain files or folders. This is crucial for maintaining data privacy and security.

Apps and Extensions: ownCloud has a robust ecosystem of apps and extensions that allow users to extend its functionality, including calendar integration, contacts, and more.

Integration: ownCloud can integrate with various third-party tools and services through APIs and connectors.

Cross-Platform: ownCloud is compatible with major operating systems, including Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS.

Self-Hosting: One of the distinguishing features of ownCloud is that it can be self-hosted. This means organizations can install and manage their own ownCloud server on their infrastructure or in the cloud, providing greater control over data and security.

Community and Enterprise Versions: ownCloud offers both a community edition, which is free and open-source, and an enterprise edition that includes additional features, support, and services for businesses.

ownCloud is particularly popular among organizations and individuals who prioritize data control, privacy, and security. By self-hosting ownCloud, users can have complete control over their data, reduce reliance on third-party cloud providers, and ensure compliance with data privacy regulations. However, setting up and maintaining ownCloud does require some technical expertise, so it may not be suitable for everyone.



What are the advantages of own cloud compared to other cloud services?

ownCloud offers several advantages compared to other cloud services like Dropbox, Google Drive, or Microsoft OneDrive. These advantages are primarily centered around control, privacy, and customization. Here are some of the key advantages of ownCloud:

Data Control: With ownCloud, you have complete control over your data. You can host it on your own servers or choose a cloud provider of your preference. This control is particularly important for organizations with strict data governance requirements.

Privacy: Since you host your ownCloud instance, you have control over who can access your data. This is crucial for individuals and organizations concerned about data privacy and compliance with regulations like GDPR.

Customization: ownCloud is highly customizable. You can tailor it to your specific needs by installing additional apps and extensions from the ownCloud marketplace. This flexibility allows you to create a cloud solution that fits your workflow.

Security: ownCloud places a strong emphasis on data security. It supports data encryption in transit and at rest, ensuring that your files are protected from unauthorized access.

No Storage Limits: Many commercial cloud services impose storage limits or charge based on the amount of storage used. With ownCloud, you can scale your storage infrastructure according to your needs, potentially reducing long-term costs.

Integration: ownCloud offers APIs and connectors that allow you to integrate it with other applications and services, enabling a more seamless workflow within your organization.

File Versioning: ownCloud provides file versioning, allowing you to access previous versions of files. This can be valuable for collaboration and data recovery.

Cross-Platform Compatibility: ownCloud clients are available for a variety of operating systems, including Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS, making it accessible from virtually any device.

Collaboration Tools: ownCloud includes collaborative features like document editing and real-time collaboration, similar to Google Docs or Office 365.

No Subscription Costs: The community edition of ownCloud is open-source and free to use. This can be cost-effective for individuals and smaller organizations, as there are no ongoing subscription fees.

Community and Enterprise Options: ownCloud offers both a community edition and an enterprise edition. The enterprise edition includes additional features, support, and services for businesses that require more advanced capabilities.

On-Premises Option: For organizations that require on-premises solutions due to regulatory or security concerns, ownCloud allows you to host your data within your own infrastructure.

While ownCloud has these advantages, it's important to note that it also comes with some challenges. Setting up and maintaining ownCloud may require technical expertise, and it involves the responsibility of managing your own server infrastructure. Additionally, commercial cloud services often provide more extensive collaboration and productivity features out of the box. The choice between ownCloud and other cloud services should be based on your specific needs, technical capabilities, and priorities regarding data control and privacy.



What is the approximate price ranges of own cloud services?

ownCloud offers a range of pricing options depending on whether you choose the community edition (which is open-source and free) or the enterprise edition (which includes additional features and support). The pricing for the enterprise edition can vary based on factors like the number of users, level of support, and specific features required. Here's a general overview of ownCloud's pricing:

Community Edition (CE):

Free: The community edition of ownCloud is open-source and free to use. You can download and install it on your own server without any licensing costs. However, you'll be responsible for server setup, maintenance, and support.

Enterprise Edition (EE):

Subscription Model: The enterprise edition of ownCloud follows a subscription-based pricing model, which typically includes:

License Fees: You pay a per-user or per-server license fee, which can vary depending on the number of users you have.

Support: The subscription often includes access to ownCloud's support team for technical assistance and troubleshooting.

Maintenance and Updates: You receive regular software updates and maintenance as part of the subscription.

Custom Pricing: The exact cost of the enterprise edition varies based on factors such as the number of users, the level of support required, and any additional features or services you need. ownCloud typically customizes pricing based on the specific needs of each customer.

Optional Add-Ons: ownCloud may offer optional add-on modules or services, such as advanced security features, mobile device management, or additional collaboration tools, which can incur additional costs.

Service-Level Agreements (SLAs): For mission-critical environments, ownCloud may offer SLAs with guaranteed response times and service availability, which can affect the overall cost.

To get a precise pricing quote for the enterprise edition of ownCloud, you should contact ownCloud directly or visit their official website. Pricing can vary widely based on your organization's size, requirements, and the level of support and services you need. Keep in mind that the enterprise edition is typically targeted at businesses and organizations with specific data control, security, and compliance needs. If you're looking for a cost-effective solution and have the technical expertise, you can start with the free community edition and decide later if you require the additional features and support offered by the enterprise version.



How we can use own cloud services?

To use ownCloud services, you need to set up and configure an ownCloud server, and then you can access it from various devices using ownCloud client applications or web browsers. Here are the steps to get started with ownCloud:

Server Setup:

  1. Choose Hosting Option:

You can install ownCloud on your own server hardware or use a cloud hosting provider.

If you're hosting it yourself, ensure that your server meets the system requirements for ownCloud, including a web server (e.g., Apache or Nginx), a database server (e.g., MySQL or PostgreSQL), and PHP.

  1. Install ownCloud:

Download the ownCloud server software from the official website.

Follow the installation instructions for your specific server environment. This typically involves setting up the web server, configuring the database, and installing ownCloud.

  1. Configuration:

During the installation process, you'll configure your ownCloud instance by creating an admin account and specifying storage options.

Set up data storage, either on the same server or by connecting to external storage services like FTP, S3, or network shares.

  1. Security:

Implement security measures like enabling HTTPS for secure data transfer and setting strong passwords for user accounts.

Consider implementing additional security features such as two-factor authentication (2FA) and encryption.

User Management:

Create user accounts for individuals who will access the ownCloud server. You can do this through the web-based admin interface.

Access ownCloud:

  1. Web Interface:

Access ownCloud through a web browser by entering the server's URL.

Log in using your admin or user credentials.

  1. Desktop Clients:

ownCloud provides desktop clients for Windows, macOS, and Linux. Download and install the appropriate client for your operating system.

Configure the desktop client by entering your ownCloud server's URL and your user credentials.

Use the client to sync files and folders between your computer and the ownCloud server.

  1. Mobile Clients:

ownCloud offers mobile apps for Android and iOS devices. Download and install the ownCloud app from your device's app store.

Configure the mobile app with your server's URL and user credentials.

Use the app to access and sync files on your mobile device.

File Management:

Upload, organize, and manage your files and folders within the ownCloud interface.

Share files or folders with others, both within and outside your organization, by generating share links with specified permissions.


ownCloud includes collaborative features like document editing and real-time collaboration, similar to Google Docs or Office 365.

Security and Maintenance:

Regularly update the ownCloud server to ensure you have the latest security patches and features.

Back up your ownCloud data to prevent data loss.

Monitor server performance and security.

Customization and Extending Functionality:

Explore the ownCloud marketplace for additional apps and extensions that can enhance your ownCloud installation.

Using ownCloud services provides you with control over your data and the ability to create a secure, self-hosted file synchronization and sharing solution tailored to your specific needs. It's important to regularly maintain and update your ownCloud installation to ensure it remains secure and up-to-date.


 08 Sep